The Advantages of Aloe-Based Products in the Oil and Gas Industry: Combating Climate Change and Reducing Carbon Footprint

By Daniel Avaro, CEO Aloetrade America LLC The oil and gas industry is increasingly exploring sustainable alternatives to traditional methods and materials in response to the pressing need to combat climate change and reduce carbon footprints. One such innovative solution is the integration of aloe-based products. Aloe vera, a succulent plant known for its medicinal… Continue reading The Advantages of Aloe-Based Products in the Oil and Gas Industry: Combating Climate Change and Reducing Carbon Footprint

Aloe Vera: A Sustainable Solution for Agriculture to Combat Climate Change

Introduction to Aloe Vera in Agriculture (C) by Daniel Avaro, CEO Aloetrade America LLC Aloe vera, a succulent plant known for its medicinal and cosmetic applications, has a long history of use across various industries. Traditionally valued for its soothing properties, aloe vera has recently gained attention for its potential in sustainable agriculture. Its unique… Continue reading Aloe Vera: A Sustainable Solution for Agriculture to Combat Climate Change

Aloe Vera For Dairy Cows: A Guide to Improving Feed Digestibility, Milk Production and Reduce Methane Emissions

Aloe Vera For Dairy Cows: A Guide to Improving Feed Digestibility, Milk Production and Reduce Methane Emissions Introduction to the Problem Methane is a major cause of climate change. It’s the second biggest contributor, after carbon dioxide, and responsible for about half a degree of warming. A single cow emits up to 100 kg of methane per year. A Food and Agriculture Organization of the… Continue reading Aloe Vera For Dairy Cows: A Guide to Improving Feed Digestibility, Milk Production and Reduce Methane Emissions

Innovation in aloe products and disruptive technologies make a positive contribution to climate change

Innovation in aloe products and disruptive technologies make a positive contribution to climate change What is Aloe Vera? The name Aloe vera comes from the Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance” while “vera” means “true” in Latin.  Today, most people think of Aloe Vera in beverages -an aloe drink for example- or cosmetics, such as a moisturizing aloe cream or a post solar… Continue reading Innovation in aloe products and disruptive technologies make a positive contribution to climate change

Why Aloe Products are Green, Sustainable and Care the Environment

Why Aloe Products are Green, Sustainable and Care the Environment? At Aloetrade America LLC we are fully aware of what it means to be green, sustainable and respectful of the environment, and how it helps to mitigate climate change. Our aloe crops and our industrial aloe processing activity, as well as all of our aloe… Continue reading Why Aloe Products are Green, Sustainable and Care the Environment