Technical Assistance Services

Aloetrade America Services

1. Turn Key Projects 

Aloetrade America LLC offers the preparation of complete aloe vera turn key projects, both for agriculture projects and for industrial projects.

In agricultural projects, we help investors from the beginning of a project to the final completion phase when aloe vera plantations are established.  

In industrial projects, we offer services starting with the project design until the final completion of the processing plant.

In some cases, when a customer intends to develop an Investment Project, and intend to buy the machinery, equipment, and technical assistance, we may prepare a complete package as a Turn Key Project which involves all such components.

Otherwise, we may provide just the investment project alone -the Business Plan-, or the machinery sale. 

However, in order to quote machinery, we must develop the investment project or the buyer must give a briefing of the project developed with an accurate description of all the machinery and equipment which has been indicated or suggested for such a project. 

In any case, please send a message with your requirements and a first briefing to make a business proposal. 

2. Aloetrade Technical Assistance 

Aloetrade America offer technical assistance to different interested parties, basically aloe growers, aloe processors and governments -at federal, regional, state and/or municipal level- and to national and international development agencies, through the provision of commercial and industrial intelligence, transfer of know how and technical assistance, and training activities.

2.1. Technical Assistance to Aloe Growers

We offer technical assistance programs to aloe growers. In case of large aloe cultivation projects, we offer tailor-made agronomical, industrial and commercial assistance, according to the project. 

2.2. Technical Assistance to Aloe Processors

The services are offered into the following areas:

  • Aloe processing plant layout design. 
  • Technical assistance in the whole engineering process and equipment adequation in an aloe processing plant. 
  • Transfer of know how on aloe processing and stabilization process to obtain aloe raw materials. 
  • Product development into the following lines 

          a.   Aloe juice (inner fillet or whole leaf) 1X 

          b.   Concentrated aloe  (10X, 20X, 40X, 50X & 100X)

          c.   Aloe Spray dried powder (200X)

          d.   Aloe Freeze dried powder (200X)

          e.   Dehidrated aloe  (oven dried)

          f.    Aloe juices ready to drink

          g.   Aloe pulp and aloe paste

          h.   Cosmetic Products

          i.    Anthraquinone related products (aloin, aloe emodin)

2.3. Technical Assistance to Governments

We offer technical assistance programs to governments, at federal, regional, state or municipal levels, when they wish to promote the aloe business within their areas.

Increasingly, many governmental bodies are promoting the establishment of aloe projects (both at agricultural and industrial level) within their regions, in an attempt to boost their local or regional economies, promote social development and job creation through aloe related economic activities.

For those cases, we offer complete and tailor-made agronomical, industrial and commercial assistance.

2.4. Technical Assistance to National and International Development Agencies

We also offer technical assistance programs to national and international development agencias, when they wish to promote the aloe business within their national boundaries or at international level.

3. Development of Investment Projects – Business Plans 

Aloetrade America develops Investment Projects (mainly as Feasibility Studies or Business Plans) to those companies or individuals interested in to start up aloe industrial facilities, to process the aloe leaves and transform them in aloe industrial products, be as raw materials or finished goods.

The Investment Projects are an excellent and valuable business tool to take the right decision when trying to invest into the aloe business.

The Business Plan let you know about your investment and returns, is a critical decision tool and in most countries is the first step to search for financial  assistance, be at investment or commercial banks, national development banks, export-import banks,  money brokers, venture capital firms or also to look for a joint venture partner or another investor into the project.

You may see a typical Business Plan content for an aloe project here.

Our Experience

We have offered technical assistance to more than 40 aloe projects in 34 countries around the world.

These operations have been carried out both under the administration of Aloetrade America LLC and Aloetrade Latin America SA (a former company based in Panama) and include technical assistance and transfer of know how to aloe growers, aloe processing companies, governments and agencies in the main
continents, namely:

  • Americas
    Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela
  • Europe
    Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal.
  • Africa
    Algeria, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa.
  • Asia
    China, United Arab Emirates, Georgia, India.

Aloetrade America LLC has a huge experience on aloe related business, having participated in several projects within the largest aloe cluster in the world in Tamaulipas region, Mexico, as well as in other smaller clusters around the world (Andalucía aloe cluster in Spain, Paraguana-Falcón aloe cluster in Venezuela, Sonora aloe cluster in Mexico, among other places).

Any requirements please get in contact with us and surely we will be of help to you.