Aloe-Based Products in the Water and Wastewater Industry to Combat Climate Change and Reduce Carbon Footprint

Introduction to Aloe-Based Products in Environmental Sustainability Discover How to Use Aloe-Based Products in the Water and Wastewater Industry to Combat Climate Change and Reduce Carbon Footprint. Aloe vera, a plant renowned for its medicinal and cosmetic applications, is gaining recognition for its potential in environmental sustainability, particularly within the water and wastewater industry. Known… Continue reading Aloe-Based Products in the Water and Wastewater Industry to Combat Climate Change and Reduce Carbon Footprint

The 5 Common Ingredients in Fracking Fluids and Their Green Alternatives

The Role of Common Ingredients in Fracking Fluids Hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, relies on a specific combination of ingredients to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. Among these, water stands as the primary carrier fluid, making up the bulk of the fracking mixture. The primary role of water is to transport other components deep into… Continue reading The 5 Common Ingredients in Fracking Fluids and Their Green Alternatives

Additives and Fluids in Fracking: Traditional vs. Green Solutions

Traditional Additives and Fluids in Fracking: Contaminants and Hazards In conventional fracking operations, a variety of chemical additives and fluids are employed to enhance the extraction process. One of the primary additives used is hydrochloric acid, which serves to dissolve minerals and initiate fissures in the rock formation. This is crucial for increasing the permeability… Continue reading Additives and Fluids in Fracking: Traditional vs. Green Solutions

Advantages to use an aloe based surfactant in the fracking industry

Advantages to use an aloe-based surfactant in the fracking industry There are a number of Advantages to use an aloe-based surfactant in the fracking industry. These are the reasons aloe-based surfactants are a promising technology for the fracking industry.  Aloe-based surfactants are a promising new technology for the fracking industry. They offer a number of advantages over traditional surfactants, including biodegradability, non-toxicity, effectiveness,… Continue reading Advantages to use an aloe based surfactant in the fracking industry

Why the aloe is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs?

Why the aloe is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs? Aloe vera is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs because it is: Aloe vera has been used as a gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs since the early 2000s. It is a relatively new alternative to the more traditional gelling agents, such as guar… Continue reading Why the aloe is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs?

You may turn to Green Products for Hydraulic Fracturing

You may turn to Green Products for Hydraulic Fracturing Hydraulic fracturing has been the key element of the energy boom in recent years. The fracking industry has greatly contributed to the US economy. Increased US oil and gas production using fracking techniques meant a sharp decrease in US oil imports and the main reason United… Continue reading You may turn to Green Products for Hydraulic Fracturing