El aloe vera: una nueva opción verde y sustentable para el decapado de metales

El aloe vera: una nueva opción verde y sustentable para el decapado de metales En la búsqueda constante de alternativas más amigables con el medio ambiente, el aloe vera se ha convertido en una opción cada vez más popular para el decapado de metales. Esta planta, conocida por sus propiedades medicinales y cosméticas, también puede… Continue reading El aloe vera: una nueva opción verde y sustentable para el decapado de metales

The Advantages of Establishing an Aloe Vera Processing Factory in the Jebel Ali Industrial Zone, Dubai, Emirates

The Advantages of Establishing an Aloe Vera Processing Factory in the Jebel Ali Industrial Zone, Dubai, Emirates The Jebel Ali Industrial Zone, situated in the thriving city of Dubai, Emirates, has long been a hub for diverse and innovative industrial ventures. With its strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and supportive business environment, the zone presents an… Continue reading The Advantages of Establishing an Aloe Vera Processing Factory in the Jebel Ali Industrial Zone, Dubai, Emirates

The Advantages of Establishing an Aloe Vera Plantation and Processing Factory in the Emirates

An Aloe Vera Plantation and Processing Factory in the Emirates is an attractive Investment Project Aloe vera, a succulent plant known for its numerous health benefits, has gained immense popularity in recent years. With its increasing demand in various industries, establishing an aloe vera plantation in the Emirates can offer several advantages. Not only does… Continue reading The Advantages of Establishing an Aloe Vera Plantation and Processing Factory in the Emirates

Unlocking the Potential of Aloe Vera in Guyana: Establishing Plantations and Processing Plants to Manufacture Green Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry

The Potential of Guyana for Aloe Vera Plantations and Processing Plants Guyana, a country located on the northeastern coast of South America, is known for its rich natural resources and diverse ecosystem. With its fertile soil and favorable climate, Guyana has the potential to establish a thriving aloe vera industry. This article explores the possibilities… Continue reading Unlocking the Potential of Aloe Vera in Guyana: Establishing Plantations and Processing Plants to Manufacture Green Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry

Aloe Vera For Dairy Cows: A Guide to Improving Feed Digestibility, Milk Production and Reduce Methane Emissions

Aloe Vera For Dairy Cows: A Guide to Improving Feed Digestibility, Milk Production and Reduce Methane Emissions Introduction to the Problem Methane is a major cause of climate change. It’s the second biggest contributor, after carbon dioxide, and responsible for about half a degree of warming. A single cow emits up to 100 kg of methane per year. A Food and Agriculture Organization of the… Continue reading Aloe Vera For Dairy Cows: A Guide to Improving Feed Digestibility, Milk Production and Reduce Methane Emissions

What is the difference between a friction reducer and a flow improver in the oil industry?

What is the difference between a friction reducer and a flow improver in the oil industry? Friction reducers and flow improvers are additives used to improve oil flow in wells and pipelines. However, there are some important differences between the two. Friction reducers work by reducing the friction between the oil and the well or pipe wall. This is done by forming a… Continue reading What is the difference between a friction reducer and a flow improver in the oil industry?

Why the aloe is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs?

Why the aloe is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs? Aloe vera is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs because it is: Aloe vera has been used as a gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs since the early 2000s. It is a relatively new alternative to the more traditional gelling agents, such as guar… Continue reading Why the aloe is a good gelling agent for hydraulic fracturing jobs?

Innovation in aloe products and disruptive technologies make a positive contribution to climate change

Innovation in aloe products and disruptive technologies make a positive contribution to climate change What is Aloe Vera? The name Aloe vera comes from the Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance” while “vera” means “true” in Latin.  Today, most people think of Aloe Vera in beverages -an aloe drink for example- or cosmetics, such as a moisturizing aloe cream or a post solar… Continue reading Innovation in aloe products and disruptive technologies make a positive contribution to climate change

Aloe based solutions for green cities

Aloe based solutions for green cities Aloe is a versatile plant that can be used for a variety of purposes, including in the development of green cities. Here you can find some aloe-based solutions and ideas for green cities: A. Air purification Aloe vera can be used to purify the air. Aloe vera has been… Continue reading Aloe based solutions for green cities

Fluidos de fracking ecológicos: fluidos de fracking sostenibles a base de plantas

Fluidos de fracking ecológicos: fluidos de fracking sostenibles a base de plantas Los fluidos de fracking son una combinación de productos químicos utilizados en la fracturación hidráulica para mejorar la cantidad de petróleo y gas a extraer de un pozo. Los fluidos son una combinación de agua, apuntalante -arena- y varios aditivos químicos, la mayoría… Continue reading Fluidos de fracking ecológicos: fluidos de fracking sostenibles a base de plantas