NUTRIALOE-COW-12™ – Improve Milk Production – Methane Reduction
NUTRIALOE-COW-12™ is an Aloe Based formula to improve milk production, increase feed digestibility and reduce methane emissions.

Aloe vera formulations to improve animal nutrition and increase milk production had been on the markets from some years ago. Now, our revolutionary formulation adds the advantage of reducing methane emissions.
Livestock farming has been considered as one of the major drivers of climatic changes, due to substantial contribution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions including methane and nitrous oxide to the environment.
Some authors (Patra, 2014; Dangal et al., 2017) estimates that global livestock populations produced around 2720 to 2771 Tg in CO2-equivalent/year of GHG (i.e., methane and nitrous oxide) in 2010.
Livestock shares approximately 10% of the anthropogenic GHG emissions (without considering the contribution from the land use change) produced annually (Smith et al., 2007) with 37% of the total anthropogenic methane emission and 65% of the total anthropogenic nitrous oxide emission (FAO, 2006).
Along the years, different dietary schemes have considered the use of plant secondary metabolites to mitigate enteric methane production from ruminants.
Various plant bioactive compounds, particularly polyphenols, essential oils, saponins and polysaccharides, have been analyzed and tried to modify ruminal microbial feed fermentation and lower methane production without hampering production performances of ruminants (Patra and Saxena, 2010) because of their antimicrobial properties (Patra, 2012).
A recent research concluded that using Aloe vera as a feed additive in lactating cows, improves ruminal fermentation, nutrient utilization and milk production performance, while reducing methane production.
Such methane reduction from ingestion of aloe is obtained through several indicators, such as decreased methane production (g/day or MJ/day), methane yield (g/kg dry matter intake or g/kg digestible organic matter intake), methane intensity (g/kg milk production, g/kg milk fat or milk protein or milk lactose) or methane conversion ratio in lactating cows.
This study demonstrates that aloe intake to dairy cows increased milk production and decreased methane production, which combinedly decreased methane production per unit of milk production.
In related studies, 9,10-anthraquinone, which is also present in Aloe vera, lowered methane concentration and increased hydrogen concentration in ruminal gas in vitro with ruminal fluid collected from anthraquinone-fed sheep (Kung et al., 2003).
Some aloe bioactive compounds offer stimulatory effects on ruminal microbiota. Polyphenols, especially tannins, inhibit ruminal microorganisms. In this study, aloe compounds may likely increase the activities of some categories of microbiota, preferably, fiber-degrading populations.
The antioxidant activities of aloe components may be responsible for the increased microbial activities (Tagliapietra et al., 2013).
Also, tannins at a low concentration may stimulate the growth of bacteria by interacting with the cell surface proteins of bacteria, which facilitates cell transport functions or improves enzyme activities.
Feeding with aloe vera improved delayed type of hypersensitivity without affecting other blood variables adversely.
For sustainable adoption of methane mitigation by farmers in ruminant production system, methane mitigation strategies should improve animal production without animal health issues and residues in food products (Patra et al., 2017).
The advantage of aloe vera feeding is that it increased milk production by 25% and simultaneously reduced methane production by 15%, which is important to lower methane emission from animal origins without compromising production (Patra, 2017).
In life cycle assessments, carbon footprint of milk production in dairy cattle is contributed from several components such as feed, transport, manure management, enteric methane production, application of manure in agricultural field, and housing.
Of which, enteric methane production is the most contributor (more than half) to the carbon footprint of milk production, for example, 62% in New Zealand and 46% in Sweden (Flysjö et al., 2011).
The carbon footprint of milk production varies considerably in different production systems. The carbon footprint of energy-corrected milk production was reported to be 1.00 and 1.16 kg carbon dioxide equivalent in New Zealand and Sweden, respectively (Flysjö et al., 2011).
In this study, enteric methane production per kilogram of milk production was decreased by 30% due to aloe vera feeding. This means that carbon footprint of milk production could be decreased by more than 15% when aloe vera is incorporated in the diet of dairy cattle.
Our Solution
With more than 25 years of experience in the aloe business, Aloetrade America LLC now offers NUTRIALOE-COW-12™, an aloe based novel additive for the animal nutrition industry, which improves production efficiency.
NUTRIALOE-COW-12™ is an aloe based formulation to improve milk production, increase feed digestibility and reduce methane emissions, thus improving the carbon footprint of any livestock farm business.
It decreases carbon footprint of milk production without impacting health of lactating cows.
NUTRIALOE-COW-12™ is a novel formulation for cattle breeders, made from a natural resource, chemical free, totally green and sustainable ingredient.
NUTRIALOE-COW-12™ main properties.
- Boost animal immunity
- Improves ruminal fermentation and fiber degradability
- Increases feed intake, feed digestibility and total volatile fatty acid concentration
- Improves milk production performance
- Decreases methane emissions from the rumens of dairy cows
- Decreases carbon footprint of milk production without health problems
- Increases fat, protein and lactose in milk
- Nutrient digestibility and concentrations of fat, protein, and lactose in milk are not affected
- Improves delayed type of hypersensitivity without affecting other blood variables adversely.
- No apparent health issues
- Made from natural raw materials, no synthetic chemicals
- Made from renewable resources

Instructions for Use
NUTRIALOE-COW-12 must be used according to the suggested dose in two daily rations, preferably at milking time. For example, one feeding at 7.00 AM and the other at 5.00 PM daily.
It is recommended to mix NUTRIALOE-COW-12 with the feed concentrate, instead hay or straw.
Application Scheme
From Day 1 to 4 of treatment: Mix the suggested dosage with 2 kg concentrate. From Day 5 to 7: Mix the suggested dosage with 1.5 kg concentrate. From Day 8 onwards: Mix the suggested dosage with 1 kg concentrate.
If daily DM intake is 15 kg per animal, then NUTRIALOE-COW-12 suggested dose is 300 g per animal per day.
From Day 1 to 4 of treatment: Mix the suggested dosage (300 g) with 2 kg concentrate.
From Day 5 to 7: Mix the suggested dosage (300 g) with 1.5 kg concentrate.
From Day 8 onwards: Mix the suggested dosage (300 g) with 1 kg concentrate.
It was ensured that all animals consumed feed amounts provided in the milking parlour.
The rest of the concentrate mixture and roughage was mixed and offered as a total mixed ration to all cows individually as per their nutrient requirements.
Suggested Dosage
Best results are achieved using 20g/kg of NUTRIALOE-COW-12™ of total DM intake.
Storage and Transport
Keep the product in a cool and dry place, away from sources of heat, direct fire or sources of ignition. DO NOT EXPOSE TO THE SUN.
Recommended storage temperature: 20º C.
PRODUCT PRESENTATION: Drum 55 gal (200 L) – IBC Tote of 1,000 L.
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